Bronco Bunch PTO Donations


Donating to our PTO is essential for enriching children's education. Your support directly enhances school experiences by funding activities and resources. It strengthens the school community, benefits your child's education, and fosters personal growth. It takes a lot for our PTO to support our school, students, and families, so we are asking you to donate today to help us provide our students with an awesome Field Day, AR/PBIS Rewards, Year-End Baker family gatherings, an amazing Staff Appreciation week, and a reserve stash to start us off on the right foot for the 2023-2024 school year!

Additionally, we've included a separate line for donations to go to a Monthly Teacher/Leadership Planning Meals fund to be used by Baker Admin to provide meals/food for monthly teacher planning lunches and staff leadership planning meetings.     


Please consider helping our PTO and Baker Community by donating today to either/both the general PTO Fund and Monthly Teacher/Leadership Planning meals fund. 


Thank you in advance! We couldn't provide to our Baker Community without your support! 


 Donation of Your Choosing$
 Donation - Planning Meals more

We are so grateful for your support and generosity. We know many families sacrifice to help our community, and for that we are very thankful for your generous donation. It is so appreciated, and we look forward to all of the amazing things we can do for our Baker community of students, parents, and staff moving forward!

Bronco Bunch PTO (Tax ID# 83-3378320) is a 501(c)3 non profit, that affords tax-deductible contributions to its donors under IRC Section 170. 

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Find us on Facebook- Bronco Bunch PTO - Baker Elementary


 Check out more ways to become a sponsor here.  

 Thank you for your support!