Please contact us at if you are interested in filling in any of the below vacancies for the current school year! 


Board Positions:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Fundraising (Ideally 2 people)
  • Faculty Hospitality (Ideally 2 people)
  • Student/Family Hospitality (Ideally 2 people)
  • Room Parent Coordinator
  • PTO Historian 

Other PTO Committee Heads/Positions:

  • Communications - Vacant as of 8/1/23
  • Yearbook - Vacant as of 8/1/23
  • Spiritwear - Vacant as of 8/1/23
  • Beautification - Vacant as of 8/1/23
  • Other Event Specific Committee Heads - TBD in 2023-2024 School Year
  • Memberships
  • Parent -Teacher Liaison
  • PBIS/AR PTO Liaison
  • Baker Blessings 


Detailed Bronco Bunch PTO Roles and Descriptions:

  • President (single role): Serve as leader and key contact for PTO; preside over all PTO board and general meetings; meet monthly with Baker Principal/Administration. Ex-officio member of most committees. Appoint chairpeople for special committees; coordinate work of officers so PTO objectives can be met. Serve as dual signatory on bank account and checks. (Effort: year-round, time varies depending upon roles)
  • Vice President (single role): Works closely with and acts as aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. Meet monthly with PTO President and Baker Principal/Admin; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President or PTO Board; coordinate general activities of any Special Committees created by the Executive Board.  Ideally (but not required) is willing to serve as President in the future.  (Effort: year-round, time varies depending upon roles)
  • Secretary (single role):  Records and distributes monthly PTO board meeting minutes and any general PTO meeting minutes. Serves as PTO Website Administrator; updates and maintains important documents such as Bylaws and PTO rosters. Helps recruit committee chairpeople and keeps a master calendar of events for PTO. (Effort: 4-5 hours per month, includes attending meetings and typing up minutes. More hours required at start of new year)
  • Treasurer (single role): Responsible for and have custody of all funds, checks, PTO debit cards; make disbursements as properly authorized; be present at all PTO events where money will be collected; assure that PTO policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare monthly financial reports for each meeting and as needed; Reimburse PTO members for expenses on a weekly basis. Maintain teacher spending accounts from Baker Bazaar profits. Assist with preparing annual/semester budgets; prepare the books for an annual audit. (Effort: 10-15+ hours per month). 
  • Fundraising (2 people): Coordinate and oversee (utilize parent support) all PTO fundraising efforts including but not limited to Kroger Rewards program, Family Restaurant/Community Spirit Nights, Fall PTO fundraiser (tbd), and Spring PTO fundraiser. Reach out to Community Businesses for sponsorships or partnerships.  Work with Student/Family Hospitality to oversee other minor fundraisers/conveniences provided to families during the year (holiday grams, birthday grams, etc.)  (Effort: 10-15+ hours per month average, some daytime availability needed but not required).
  • Faculty Hospitality (2 people): Organize monthly staff appreciation events for various faculty appreciation “holidays”, staff birthdays, other holidays/seasonal appreciation days.  Plan/coordinate meals for staff on conference days, Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon, and other days during year. Solicit for parent/community donations to help with hospitality efforts. Plan week-long activities/food for Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Work closely with Room Parent Coordinator and Baker Admin to plan hospitality efforts. (Effort: 10+ hours per month, more in August/December/May, daytime availability required.)
  • Student/Family Hospitality (new!)(2 people): Coordinate (utilize parent support) student or family hospitality activities including decorating for welcome back kick off events, decorate for various Baker holiday family luncheons, Baker-sponsored family events including (Grandparents Week/Thanksgiving/Gingerbread night/Baker Bazaar); organize low cost, PTO sponsored student/family events such as trivia/bingo nights, outdoor parties, art/math/science literacy events, etc.; oversee PreK Promotion and other Baker ceremonies/family events.  Work with Fundraising to oversee other minor fundraisers/conveniences provided to families during year (holiday grams, birthday grams, etc.)  Decorate Baker front entryway area in seasonal, themed decor. (Effort: 10-15 hours/month, depending on demand, some daytime availability required). 
  • Room Parent Coordinator (single role): Coordinate with all teachers at start of school year to solicit/select a homeroom parent(s) representative for each class (Pre-K – 5th); maintain contact info for all room parents. Create and populate “Teacher Favorite Things” to push out to room parents to provide parents. Oversee and distribute information regarding class holiday party dates, times, content, etc., field trips as needed, and any PTO requests for donated items/food from families for students or staff. Work with Faculty Hospitality to help plan Staff Winter Luncheon.  Coordinate with Teacher Liaison regarding obtaining/distributing staff Helping Hands wishlists at start of year and on meeting staff needs via room parent volunteers. (Effort is ~5 hours/month; more in August/September, October (Halloween), December (Winter Appreciation), February (Valentine’s), May (Teacher Appreciation Week/Field Day).      
  • PTO Historian (New!): This role is for a former Bronco Bunch PTO Board Member who has served on the board in some capacity in the last 3 years. They will attend board meetings and vote where appropriate. Historian agrees to be someone any PTO board member can contact during elected year if they have a question regarding how past processes, budgeting, spending, etc., worked. Necessary to have this position filled if there’s a totally new PTO board. (Effort is 1-2 hours/month to attend board meetings).     


      Bronco PTO Committee Heads: (monthly board meeting attendance not required)

  • Communications (single role) - check and respond to PTO emails/social media private messages, send out communications to all members on behalf of PTO board as needed, update and regularly post on PTO social media pages, periodically update school marquee sign; design and send out newsletters periodically to members/Baker staff. (Effort is 5 hours/month).
  • Yearbook (1-2 people) - take and collect photos of Baker students + faculty, learn yearbook design software and design book, order books, coordinate purchases of 2023-2024 Baker yearbook, plan distribution/signing party.  (Effort is fairly significant but if you start early in the year it goes fast!; bulk of effort is in February-April to complete yearbook).
  • Spiritwear (1-2 people) - coordinate the design, selection, ordering, inventory, and sales of school spiritwear such as t-shirts, hats, bows, socks, etc. at the start of the school year (utilize parent support). Maintain coordination with online off-season Baker spiritwear store liaison. Design, order, and distribute 5th grade shirts (February timeframe). (Effort - heavy in August/September to get initial orders out, then tapers off after distribution in early October.  Picks up in February for 5th grade shirts).
  • Beautification -  Coordinate Fall and Spring Beautification day either on weekend or during school day to solicit volunteers to maintain, clean, improve Baker’s outdoor classroom, school yard, and outdoor property. Occasionally provide & maintain outdoor potted plants/shrubbery at front of school. (Effort : hours is minimal or however much as you want to provide). 
  • Event Specific Committee Heads - TBD Later in 2023-2024 School Year -  these will be solicited for by various PTO board members during the upcoming school year to help plan and execute specific events for Baker students, families, and teachers.
  • Membership (1-2 people) - organize annual PTO membership drive and on-going process to encourage membership by students and staff. Maintain online membership records. Order and deliver perks to diamond members. (Effort is primarily in August/September; periodically encourage families/staff to join PTO or obtain community member support).
  • Teacher Liaison (New!) - be a point person to Baker teachers for parent volunteer requests/PTO monetary requests, grade level grants, etc. Obtain and maintain teacher supply requests via “Helping Hands” supply drive before school starts. Assist teachers with purchasing classroom items from Baker Bazaar proceeds.  Help Media Specialists to obtain parent volunteers for the Fall and Spring Book Fairs. (Effort is a few hours/month depending on teacher/staff assistance needed).
  • PBIS/AR PTO Liaison(s) (New!) - PBIS: coordinate with PBIS parent liaison and Baker counselor Mrs. Brown to help Baker’s PBIS committee plan and execute PBIS kick-off and quarterly behavioral rewards parties and to help meet other PBIS needs.  AR: Work with Baker admin to provide items for half-quarter AR Treat Trolley and to develop/execute quarterly reward parties/activities for students meeting AR rewards. Assist school in purchasing/providing testing treats for students. 
  • Baker Blessings (New!) - Coordinate with Baker Admin/School Counselor regarding ways PTO can support Baker families in need. Organize back to school school supply, uniform needs, and holiday blessings for these students and families, utilizing parent support/donations where needed. (Effort is fairly minimal - few hours/month at start of school year, ~15 hours in Nov-Dec for Holiday Blessings, minimal hours as needed during spring semester).  


Social Media

Find us on Facebook- Bronco Bunch PTO - Baker Elementary


 Check out more ways to become a sponsor here.  

 Thank you for your support!